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Happy New Year!new-years-eve

I’m not too big on New Year’s resolutions (they usually only last about a week or two for me), but every strategic communications professional should resolve to better understand the application of new media to his/her clients’ integrated communications programs.

We do a monthly newsletter called March Forth.  You can read archived versions on our Web site.  Our first edition of 2009 is titled “New Year, New Media: Your Business and Social Media in 2009.” 

The newsletter is designed to touch on strategic communications issues that can help a business.  This issue is designed to encourage clients, friends and others to consider new media in their context.

There is little question that the use of social media will continue its rise in 2009, especially for consumers.  It is legitimate to question, however, how pervasive it will become and its application to B2B. 

Just take a moment to read Todd Defren’s post (PR Squared) on 12.15.08 after he joined 14 other gurus to discuss the future of social media.

Defren was commenting on an event held by Peter Kim , who shared an impressive .pdf titled “Social Media Predictions 2009” on his blog, offering deeper insight into the summary of comments shared on PR Squared.

The comments he shares are interesting for many reasons, not the least being the skepticism shared so openly.  These gurus seem not so certain about what 2009 will bring, with Peter Blackshaw suggesting on his blog that many of us may join the social media equivalent of Weight Watchers.

The pendulum always swings wide before settling into a smooth, narrow and steady sway.  It is possible that 2008 went wide with the middle being more clearly defined in 2009.  We’ll see.

Regardless, our clients need smart, pragmatic and creative advice on how to fully integrate social media into their programs to build reputation and strengthen relationships.

I resolve in 2009 to learn WAY, WAY more than I know now. 

Post by Nick Vehr – 1.2.2009